Picking up the signs of the new eating

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] The consumer world’s description is undoubtedly dominated by a prevalence of symbolic projections created and reinforced by various forms of communication. Thus, for instance, the high-tech and fashion sectors seem to fill the attentional space of opinion-makers and business community leaders when they are engaged in interpreting future consumption trends. There is, however, one sector, the food sector, which outperforms those mentioned and others in terms of innovation and dynamism. The perpetual, vital relationship...

The superfruits are coming

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] One aspect of the food “functionality” that characterizes the numerous product innovations is the holistic approach to “superfruits” (such as, for example, for Moringa, Noni, Baobab, etc.). Superfruits or nutraceutical foods have a wide variety of uses. Due to the incredible versatility that distinguishes them, people can assimilate the beneficial properties of the “super fruits” both through ingestion and external use. It is therefore not surprising that the baobab is a full-fledged “superfruit”. We...

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